Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Interview with a Carbohydrate ....

Although the answers are real, this is a pretend interview.

As I was sitting to eat my dinner one night, I began to get cold sweats when I realized the french fries on my children's dinner plates were taunting me to eat them. Try as I might to resist, I could not hold back the urge to eat just one.
I decided I needed to find out once and for all if carbohydrates are the monsters they have been made out to be, or if I have become victim to yet another diet fad. My interview with Mr. Carbohydrate was certainly enlightening.

(Part 1)

(Jennifer) What is a carbohydrate?

(Carbohydrate) It is simply, a mix of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They function in either a simple or complex way.

(Jennifer) What is the purpose of carbohydrates?

(Carbohydrate) All carbohydrates will eventually turn into a source known as glucose (A molecule (single unit) of sugar) which is the main energy source for your body and your brain.

(Jennifer) what happens when you eat allot of carbs?

(Carbohydrate) Any excess is stored as glycogen (a form of glucose) in the muscles or the liver for later use when you need energy again. When you decrease or eliminate the consumption of carbohydrates in your diet, you begin to feel sluggish, unable to exercise, lose focus and lack concentration. (Blaiz, 2009)

(Jennifer) What kinds of carbohydrates are important?

(Carbohydrate) There are two types of carbohydrates, Simple and Complex.

(Jennifer) So what is the difference?

(Carbohydrate) Simple carbs are shorter chains of sugar and provide short term energy as they are quickly broken down by the body. (these carbs usually have a sweeter taste, like candy, fruit, or sports drinks)

Complex carbs are longer chains of sugar that take the body a longer time to break down and essentially give the body longer lasting energy. (These carbs do not have a noticeably sweet taste. Derived from rice, bread, and potatoes.) (Duchemen, 2009)


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